Hansa EcoJet Neu Trio Rail Set 95/900mm Matte Black 446701333337
Model: 446701333337
Specification Sheet (Click Here)
Finish: Matte Black
Enjoy increased versatility over standard with the Hansa EcoJet Neu 95/900 Rail Set in stunning Matte Black with a tough ceramic & Nanotechnology coating. A 900mm rail length and adjustable at both ends, makes the shower rail set perfect to install using existing mounting points. Wash your way with the handpiece's three water flow modes, providing a relaxing experience at the end - or start - of your day.
Manufacturer's Warranty: 15 year Warranty (conditions apply).
Hansa EcoJet Neu Trio Rail Set 95/900mm Matte Black 446701333337
Model: 446701333337
Specification Sheet (Click Here)
Finish: Matte Black
Enjoy increased versatility over standard with the Hansa EcoJet Neu 95/900 Rail Set in . . .
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