Artusi Washing Machine 7kg Front Loader White AWM1712W
Specification Sheet (Click Here)
Model: AWM1712W
Colour: White
Dimensions: Depth: 557mm / Height: 845 mm / Width: 597mm
Please refer to the specification sheet for specific dimensions
Capacity: 7kg
Type: 7kg Front Load Washing Machine
Energy Rating: 3.5*
Water Rating: 4.5*
Programs: 15 wash programs - rapid 12’, daily 60°/60’, shirts, mix, sport, handwash/delicate, spin, allergy safe, rinse, wool, easy care, ECO 20°, cotton ECO, pre- wash cotton, cotton 90°
Spin Speed: 1200 rpm AC motor
Drum: stainless steel 55L drum
Safety: foam protection, unbalance control system, overflow protection, failure detection system, child lock
Features: Made in Europe
Manufacturer's Warranty (conditions apply): 2 Year Manufacturer's Warranty. However, after purchase, if you go to the Artusi website and upgrade your warranty, you will receive a FREE upgrade to a 5 Year Manufacturer Warranty.
PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure that you retain evidence of purchase should you ever need to make a warranty claim.
Artusi Washing Machine 7kg Front Loader White AWM1712W
Specification Sheet (Click Here)
Model: AWM1712W
Colour: White
Dimensio. . .
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